West Concord City Council Meeting - June 20, 2024


PRESENT: Mayor Jeffrey McCool, Council members Nielsen and Ripley.

ABSENT: Council Members Burse and Peterson

ALSO PRESENT: Colton Kraling of Stantec, Todd Hagen of Ehlers, Maintenance Supervisor Keith Clammer, Administrator/Clerk Paula Even Trenda, Accountant Michelle Lee, and Police Chief Shannon Boerner, Fire Chief Chad Finne, Paul Zager of MNDOT.


MOTION: Motion to approve the agenda with the addition of 2 items: WC Pool Update and Playground Equipment.

Consent Agenda

A. Approve of Council Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2024

B. Resolution 2024-33: Acceptance of Resignation of Accountant Michelle Lee and acceptance of part-time schedule

C. 2023 Population and Household estimates from Minnesota State Demographer

1. 4/1/23 population estimate 844

2. 4/1/23 household estimate 345

D. Approval of Payment of Claims: May 17, 2024 – June 13, 2024:

E. Resolution 2024-35: To approve the lease for lawful gambling activity for the Historical Society.

MOTION: Motion to approve Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Ripley

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen, Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed


Sandra Sullivan – Wanted Stantec to address the issue of the tree that was damaged by road construction work. As well as ask if there was anything we could do to preserve the really large tree across from her property slated to be removed with the property. Colton addressed during his update.

Galen Koelkeritz – felt that the wording of the water shut off letters and door hanger were a little too harsh and unforgiving. His business sales are the worst they’ve been since 2017. Would prefer a gentler reminder. Was also frustrated by the online payment system being down for a few days when they did try to go in and pay.


Resolution 2024-34: Acceptance of donation from Penny Elliot for Fire/Ambulance; donation from Lois Turner for Swimming Pool

MOTION: Motion to approve Resolution 2024-34 Acceptance of donation from Penny Elliot for Fire/Ambulance; donation from Lois Turner for Swimming Pool. There were no questions.

Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Ripley

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen, Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed

Resident Lynn Nelson: forgiveness for portion of her water bill

Her bill was $600 when normally it is only $70. People Services examined the meter and told her water meter was needing to be replaced. It took longer for replacement due to People Service staffing and then found out the meter was actually fine, and she had a leak in the system. She had a plumber come right away and now her usage is back to normal. She is asking the city to forgive a portion of the overage due to People Services delay.

MOTION: Motion to approve forgiveness of the portion of usage above the average usage for the same time period.

Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Ripley

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen, Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed

Approve: Renewal West Concord Worker’s Compensation coverage through LMCIT

Approve: Renewal West Concord Property/Casualty coverage through LMCIT

MOTION: Motion to approve renewal of insurance through LMCIT. Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Ripley.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen, Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed

Approval of Accounting Clerk/Administrative Assistant Updated Job Description and Authorization to Advertise the Position.

Due to Michelle’s resignation, a revised position description was created using her current description, the former clerk description, as well as other descriptions from cities and counties currently hiring for similar openings. According to LMC, the average range for this position should be $18-24/hr. for a town/city of less than 2000 people. Position will accept applications through July 15th.

MOTION: To accept updated position description for Accounting Clerk/Administrative Assistant and post the job.

Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Ripley.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen, Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed

MNDOT Paul Zager/Chad Hanson: Public presentation on Hwy 56 project to begin 8/12/24

Paul Zager from MNDOT presented the portion of Hwy 56 to be repaved beginning August 12, weather permitting. He explained it is just a mill and overlay project, along with changes to curbs and sidewalks to make those ADA compliant. Project should be done quickly. He will also have a booth during Survival Days with additional details for residents. He provided a handout and provided a full color printout at city hall.

• Residents asked if there was an assessment for ADA work and curbs/sidewalks. Mr. Zager said he would check.

• The council asked for contractor contact information and he will provide it to City staff.

Colten Kraling, Stantec Engineering

Site Manager, Colten Kraling, of Stantec was present to provide an update on the street projects. The removal of the material at the municipal liquor store was lower than the change order and is finished. They are just waiting for rain to stop to complete the lot. The streets project has sewer lines in, and few areas just need the final tiling laid in. Hoping the weather will dry out so they can finish and put down the fill. According to Colton, he will talk with Heselton about equipment and protecting the tree that was damaged. Unfortunately, as lovely as the large tree is that is slated to be removed, it needs to be taken out. Homeowner is aware and is ok with the removal.

Authorize and Approve: Expansion of the 2024 Utility and Street Reconstruction engineering budget for supplemental services associated with construction Change Order #1 – South Street Reconstruction and addressing hidden conditions under the Liquor Store parking lot.

Approve: Request for payment #2 on 2024 Street & Utility Project - $368,986.50

MOTION: Motion to approve expansion of Engineering budget for supplemental services related to Change Order #1 and approve payment #2 to contractor. Motion made by Council member Neilsen, seconded by Council member Ripley.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen and Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed

Ehlers: Todd Hagen

Todd was present to explain the Sale Day Report for Bond 2024A and 2024B. Said the city remains in good financial position as attested by the AAA bond rating. Due to the smaller size of Bond B, the interest is higher. The city maintains a strong budget forecast and strong liquidity of assets.



It was reported that the city received from the Historical Society a check in the amount of $2,650.67 for the gambling rent at the Municipal Liquor Store. Municipal On & Off Sale Report was included for council review. Sales remain strong but looking into expenses, as they seem high compared to the high sales. The current year to date budget was provided to the council to review.

Brought up the need for a special work session in July to address the EMS/Ambulance situation and contract with Dodge Center. They would like to charge a fee for services during these hours and it would not impact the normal mutual aid agreement when West Concord has coverage. West Concord asked for an extension until October 1 on the current contract for 60 hours of coverage and will wait to hear from Dodge Center.

Pool Update was provided by Pool Manager. A new water heater was installed for showers.

The mayor has been approached by residents to purchase the playground equipment from the former Charter School location. Discussion on how to handle this was had. Bidders must take all equipment. A decision to have interested parties submit a sealed bid was decided. Bids will be accepted for one month. The winning bidder would have 3 months to remove equipment and return ground to grade.

MOTION: Motion to approve acceptance of bids and process for removal for Charter School Playground Equipment. Motion made by Council member Neilsen, seconded by Council member Ripley.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen and Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed


Heather Fredericks present and explained to the council the highlighted activities for the summer and book sale plans for Survival Days.


Maintenance Supervisor Keith Clammer reported EBA Grant paperwork has been submitted. We have another 15-20 trees to cut down and another 10 added. This fall there will be a pruning and this will be part of the in-kind donations in the grant. Keith had someone look at pump house #2 doors and they can be repaired for around $500 not replaced for $3000. He was also having new keys made for People Services. The city needs a new water pump and with all the rain this year, soon rather than later. Originally, he had budget $11,000, but the price from 2023 to now has gone to almost $20,000. He would get details and exact quote to the city office for council approval.


Wastewater Supervisor Chris Sanders verbally reported that the weather delayed June hydrant flushing, as well as highlights on his report for general maintenance.


Police Chief Boerner had no updates.


Fire Chief Chad Finne brought the application for a new fire volunteer. He also brought up information on proposed new OSHA regulations and getting public comment to stop the implementation. Chad was going to forward information to the city.

Chief Finne presented an application for a new fire fighter. Michaela Neuzil who will be working in West Concord.

MOTION: Motion to approve the hiring of Michaela Neuzil for Fire Fighter pending background investigation.

Motion made by Council member Neilsen, seconded by Council member Ripley.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen and Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed


MOTION: Motion to Adjourn.

Motion made by Council Member Nielsen, seconded Council member Ripley.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Ripley, Nielsen

Nays: None Motion passed


Mayor Jeffrey McCool



Paula Even Trenda Clerk/Administrator