West Concord City Council Meeting - August 15, 2024



AUGUST 15, 2024

7:00 P.M.

Meeting at the City of West Concords Bell Tower Center

PRESENT: Mayor Jeffrey McCool, Council members Burse, Nielsen, Peterson, and Ripley.


ALSO PRESENT: Maintenance Supervisor Keith Clammer, Administrator/Clerk Paula Even Trenda, Library Director Heather Fredricks, Police Chief Shannon Boerner, Fire Chief Chad Finne, Chris Sanders of People Services.


MOTION: Motion to approve the agenda as presented

Consent Agenda

A. Approve of Council Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2024

B. Approval of Payment of Claims: June 14, 2024 – July 11, 2024: $453,158.58

MOTION: Motion to approve Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Ripley

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Burse, Nielsen, Peterson and Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed


Sandra Sullivan – Wanted an update on street project and details.


Ross Cameron Utility Bill/Meter Issues: Mr. Cameron is concerned the meters read too high and are not always reading correctly. He found issues with June’s billing and felt the fluctuations were abnormal even with city street and utility project. He wants the council to know he has done research and the meters installed are not reliable. The city approved an adjustment to his summer readings of $39.10.

MOTION: Motion to approve $39.10 utility billing adjustment to Cameron Usage for June and July.

Motion made by Council member Peterson, seconded by Council member Ripley

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Burse, Nielsen, Peterson, and Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed

Stantec Utility & Street Update: Discussion and information only for city residents, staff, and visitors.

Request for payment: Approve request for payment #4 on street & utility project for $239,375.24.

MOTION: Accept request for payment #4 motion made by Council member Nielson. Second by Council member Ripley.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Burse, Nielsen, Peterson and Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed

Mayor Update and EMS Proposal:

Mayor McCool presented a proposal to add the staff position of Director of Ambulance Services as a full-time position and 1 or 2 EMTs for the city. The proposal includes rolling over the funds from 2024 that have not been spent, the use of the one-time fees from the State, and a potential grant. His proposal also works with the county and legislators to start to address the EMS concerns nationwide, but specifically Dodge county residents. The mayor asked for approval to post two new job descriptions.

MOTION: To accept approve Director of Ambulance and EMT position descriptions.

Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Ripley.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Burse, Nielsen, Peterson, and Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed

EAB Grant Approval for acceptance of lowest bid:

Keith has a RFQ out for removal of additional Ash Trees and would like approval to accept lowest bid so trees can be removed quickly this fall.

MOTION: To accept Lowest Tree Removal Bid.

Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Ripley.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Burse, Nielsen, Peterson, and Ripley

Nays: None Motion passed



It was reported that the city will receive from the Historical Society a check in the amount of $2,500.59 for the gambling rent at the Municipal Liquor Store for July. Municipal On & Off Sale Report was included for council review. Sales remain strong but looking into expenses, as they seem high compared to the high sales. The current year to date budget was provided to the council to review.

Budget to Actual revenue and expenses was provided to the council through July 31.

gWorks (formerly UBMax) used for Utility Billing is being unsupported after December 31, 2024. They provided a quote for moving from current system to the new system. Although I thought the improvements were good, I am waiting on a demo from another recommended software and pricing from them. Would like to switch from Banyon to an all-in-one that has Fund, Utility, and Payroll to streamline the process.


Heather Fredericks gave a brief update on the report provided for the meeting. Summer has been good and visitors, especially kids, have increased.


Maintenance Supervisor Keith Clammer reported Tree Pruning will be done Sept 14th. $26k left in grant for additional trees next year. Getting bids to clean on drainage ditch.


Wastewater Supervisor Chris Sanders verbally reported on his report. Water sampling complete. Water is in compliance.


Police Chief Boerner said National Night Out was successful, although attendance seemed lower. Still the Legion ran out of food. Next year possibly shorten hours.


Fire Chief Chad Finne mentioned it has been a busy few weeks with a larger number of calls. Said the burnouts during Survival Days were too harsh, too loud, and too long. This leads to an increase of tires bursting and causes safety concerns. He has discussed with Survival Days and Car Show organizers to adjust for next year.


MOTION: Motion to Adjourn at 7:30pm.

Motion made by Council Member Nielsen, seconded Council member Peterson.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Burse, Nielsen, Peterson, and Ripley.

Nays: None Motion passed


Mayor Jeffrey McCool



Paula Even Trenda Clerk/Administrator