West Concord City Council Meeting - July 18, 2024


7:00 PM

at City of West Concords Bell Tower Center

PRESENT: Mayor Jeffrey McCool, Council members Nielsen and Peterson.

ABSENT: Council Members Burse and Ripley

ALSO PRESENT: Joe Palen of Stantec, Maintenance Supervisor Keith Clammer, Administrator/Clerk Paula Even Trenda, Accountant Michelle Lee, and Police Chief Shannon Boerner, Fire Chief Chad Finne, Chris Sanders of People Services.


MOTION: Motion to approve the agenda as presented

Consent Agenda

A. Approve of Council Meeting Minutes of June 20, 2024

B. Resolution 2024-36: Approval of new fire dept volunteers Mike Naze and Grant Erler

C. Resolution 2024-37 Approval of 2 new reserve officers Gavin Boerner and Aden Kadner

D. Approval for City Administrator/Clerk to attend LMC Clerks Academy Sept 5 & 6

E. Approval of Payment of Claims: June 14, 2024 – July 11, 2024: $453,158.58

MOTION: Motion to approve Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Peterson

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen, Peterson

Nays: None Motion passed


Sandra Sullivan – Wanted Stantec to address the issue of the tree that was damaged by road construction work. As well as ask when she would be able to access her driveway again.

Ross Cameron – Felt his water bill/usage was way too high when they were out of town. He will work with the city to see if we can adjust his billing but wants to know if there is an issue with meter. Chris thought the meter was fine, but Ross said he doesn’t have an internal leak.


Resolution 2024-38: Agreement and approval to pay the new 2025+ contract for CAD Software for squad cars.

MOTION: Motion to approve Resolution 2024-38 Agreement and approval to pay the new 2025+ contract for CAD Software for squad cars. Chief Boerner explained that this is the only software available and is managed through Dodge County Sheriff’s office.

Motion made by Council member Peterson, seconded by Council member Nielsen

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen, Peterson

Nays: None Motion passed

Review Road Closures for Survival Days. Discussion and information only for city residents, staff, and visitors.

Resolution 2024-39: Accept Amendment #1 for grant deadline extension for the Residential Rehabilitation Program from September 2024 to September 2025.

MOTION: Accept Amendment #1 for grant deadline extension for the Residential Rehabilitation Program from September 2024 to September 2025. Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Peterson.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen, Peterson

Nays: None Motion passed

Resolution 2024-40: Affidavit of Ripley Electric for $675

Affidavit for $300 work done for swimming pool and $375 for pump house door.

MOTION: To accept Affidavit for $675 for Ripley Electric.

Motion made by Council member Nielsen, seconded by Council member Peterson.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen, Peterson

Nays: None Motion passed

Joe Palen, Stantec Engineering

Joe Palen of Stantec was present to provide an update on the street projects. The contractor is adding geo-tech fabric to the new roads and repairing, at no cost to the city, repair and burying of “floating” sewer pipes contractor didn’t secure properly. Sand and class 5 material will be installed throughout the week, as weather permits. The road should be able to be driven on and walked on during Survival Days. An update for residents will be out the week of July 22.

The municipal parking lot is completed and will be stripped on July 22. Unfortunately, as lovely as the large tree is that is slated to be removed, needs to be taken out. The damaged tree will be fine once work is completed. Also, driveways should be less than 30 days out from being installed, but again, weather dependent. The mayor requested that the sidewalk by Bell Tower be left until after July 28.

Approve: Request for payment #3 on 2024 Street & Utility Project - $71,860.85

MOTION: Motion to approve payment #3 to contractor. Motion made by Council member Peterson, seconded by Council member Nielsen.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Nielsen and Peterson

Nays: None Motion passed



It was reported that the city received from the Historical Society a check in the amount of $3,763.49 for the gambling rent at the Municipal Liquor Store. Municipal On & Off Sale Report was included for council review. Sales remain strong but looking into expenses, as they seem high compared to the high sales. The current year to date budget was provided to the council to review.

The EMS work session was held, and we are looking for a meeting between Dodge Center and West Concord to discuss their “proposed” fees. In addition, we are looking at 2 or 3 other options for continued service of EMS by our own crews both volunteer and/or paid.

Budget to Actual revenue and expenses was provided to the council through June 30th.


Heather Fredericks was on vacation, so the Administrator touched on her high points for upcoming events.


Maintenance Supervisor Keith Clammer reported EBA Grant trees are looking good. He is purchasing a used fire hose from Claremont for use at the pool.


Wastewater Supervisor Chris Sanders verbally reported on his report.


Police Chief Boerner said National Night Out is August 6th. There will be an Open Swim along with a bounce house and other fun activities.


Fire Chief Chad Finne mentioned it has been a busy few weeks for EMS, along with a small shed fire.


MOTION: Motion to Adjourn.

Motion made by Council Member Nielsen, seconded Council member Peterson.

Ayes: Mayor McCool, Council members Peterson, Nielsen

Nays: None Motion passed


Mayor Jeffrey McCool



Paula Even Trenda Clerk/Administrator